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University tips // Managing time!

Hello lovelies,

This is my last university tips blog post and will be all about how to manage your time when away at university. If you haven't seen my other two posts about preparation and saving money then please go check them out!  *PREPPING AND SAVING MONEY*

When you head of to university managing your time can be quite stressful. You have to study, make time for yourself, socialise and sleep. So, here are a few tips on how to help and mainly how to focus on your studies.

1. Avoid distractions
University is just full of distractions but be strong and try to stay away if you know you have things that have to be done. The best way to do this is to use your university facilities such as going to the library or a classroom. By setting up in a quieter environment you can focus way better!

2. Make a schedule 
When you have tonnes to do I find making a schedule for the week breaks everything up much easier and it doesn't seem so daunting. You can then start crossing things off as you do them and that shows you actual progress which can often be motivating.

3. Give yourself some me time
Even when you have loads to do you need to give yourself some time to either be alone or socialise and see your friends. By doing this it allows you to have a breather and relax for a bit. As important as studying and stuff is it's so important to give yourself some time off. Your body will thank you!

4. Prep and plan
Don't leave things till the last minute!!! By prepping and planning you give yourself some time to overlook everything that needs doing and also reduces stress massively. Planning can help you write down any ideas and really boost your motivation.

5. Prioritise 
Make sure you separate what needs to be done and what you want to be done. By prioritising things you can get the most important things done first. I normally prioritised by using the dates things needing doing so that everything was done in time. 

Again, even if you aren't going to university you can always use these tips to manage your time if you are at school or college. Make sure you go check out all of my other university tip blog posts here and here and good luck for anyone going away to university!

Love B x

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