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I Have A Soap & Glory Crush

I'm a sucker for pretty packaging, may seem a bit shallow but the first glimpse at a super cute product is normally what draws me in. I've always wanted to try Soap & Glory skincare products ever since I smelt the Sugar Crush Body Lotion and with Boots recent 3 for 2 offer I could not resist! 

I picked up two of the pump bottle moisturisers. They are both available in tubs but I find it a lot easier to use a pump. Let's talk about my absolute favourite first. The Sugar Crush 3 in 1 Body Lotion. I can't even begin to describe how amazing this smells. It's literally the best smelling product I have ever owned and this factor alone is enough to make me repurchase this for life! You apply this lotion to damp skin and it works a treat. Not only do you smell crazy good, you also feel silky soft and smooth. 
The second moisturiser I brought is the Butter Yourself Ultra Nourishing Fruity Liquid Moisture Lotion (Wow what a mouthful!) So, after I got over the super long name for this product I again noticed how good it smelt. This one is a lot more subtle, so if you prefer a more toned down smell for your skin I would 100% recommend this one. This one is great to use on drier and tougher skin such as elbows and knees. I found this one makes my skin feel really hydrated. I tend to switch it up and use one on one day and the other the day after!

The last thing I picked up is the Flake Away Body Scrub. Unfortunately I have been blessed with dry skin which is sometimes super embarrassing due to flakey legs. *inserts sad face* This product has been a life saver. Yes, moisturisers temporarily fix the flakey problem but this scrub actual eliminates it! I sometimes find scrubs a bit too much for my skin but this one leaves it feeling beautiful! And this product smells of fig which is gorgeous.

Anyone recommend any other Soap & Glory products? I'm eager to try more!

B x

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  1. So many people have talked about this company and I've yet to try anything. I'm going to really have to! So glad the stuff did something for you. :)

    S .x

    1. You really should! They have such a good range for all types of skin. Thank you!

      B X


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