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Life Update // University

University is something I have always had mixed feelings about. The thought of it makes me feel both incredibly excited yet so nervous. Luckily, I have been offered an unconditional place at De Montfort University to study Journalism and Media BA (Hons).

With going to university comes big responsibilities such as living on my own, doing my own food shopping and juggling my time between studying and everything else. It scares me to think I'll have to fend for myself instead of having my mum and dad cook me dinner and wash my clothes. (Although bringing bags of washing home for my mum will definitely happen!) I'm so excited for this experience and thought I need to let you lovely lot know because everyone in the blogging community are so supportive and lovely!

 I can't wait to start writing blog posts about things I have brought for my room and tips for saving money ect. Keep an eye out for those soon! I've already posted a mini haul here, but will probably post 10 more before I go, watch this space. 

Anyone else looking at going to uni this year?

B x

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  1. I'm starting university in chester this year - it's such a huge step but I'm so pleased to be doing it. Well done you for your unconditional offer, I think you'll do amazingly!

    Sammy xo.

    1. Thank you so much! Good luck at uni, I'm sure you'll have a great time! It's so exciting!

      B x

  2. University isn't that scary, I promise! Posts like how to deal with midterms/finals stress and how to deal with a difficult roommate might be something you want to write! :)

    S .x

    1. Haha thank you! I'm so excited. And yeah, that's a good idea I'll keep it in mind when I go!

      B x


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