In 2016 blog bloglovin fblogger followforfollow january lblogger newyear resolutions

2016 // Lets talk

Being a true blogger means writing down all the things you wish to achieve for the new year, so I thought I'd do the same. My guilty pleasure is hearing or reading all about what other peoples resolutions are. I find it so motivational... (For now) 

1. Go to university!!!
University is both exciting and terrifying at the same time, but I can't wait till the summer when I get my grades and get to start a brand new chapter of my life somewhere new! (Hopefully...) I'm technically already a year behind where I should be in life but I know that this year I feel so much more ready to begin studying something I know I am passionate about. This year I am going to work my socks off to achieve the grades I need.

2. Drink more water.
I say this every single year... But this year I mean it! I know my body will thank me for it.

3. Blogging
Blogging is something I have kept quiet about since 2013. When I first started I wasn't uploading regularly and my content wasn't that great to read. However, since the beginning of the summer I really have tried to create a blog that people would be interested in reading. I recently shared my blog on my other social media platforms and the support I got from friends, family and fellow bloggers was pretty over whelming. I created my own Facebook page here if you'd like to give it a like. I feel like this year I will be uploading a lot more content and will be bringing bigger things to my little blog. 

4. Eat better!
I have tried numerous times to become veggie but this year I am going to try for the whole of January and see how I feel about not eating meat. I know to some people that sounds crazy but either way I am going to completely change my diet. I will limit myself to one cheat meal a week (take away or munchies night) and will be eating at least 3 of my 5 a day every single day. 

5. Relaaaaax
Anyone who knows me personally knows that I am a worrier. I over think and stress about everything and anything. This year I'm going to start doing yoga twice a week to give myself some time to unwind. 

Let me know any new year resolutions you have set for 2016!

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  1. I loved reading about your goals.
    I have quite similar ones, all except uni!
    Good luck achieving your goals this year. :)
    Sally x
    I did a 2016 goals post too:


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